Using scoring is a great way to qualify leads and make sure you’re prioritizing your strongest leads who are ready to buy, as well as those potential customers who are the best possible fit for your products and services.
Note: Currently, respondents cannot view their own score. Only the videoask creator can view respondents' scores.
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Assigning scores to respondents' answers
Assigning scores to respondents' answers
Note: To assign scores to respondents' answers, go to the Advanced Logic section in your videoask builder. First, you'll need to decide which step to jump respondents to if they select a particular answer. Once you've made this choice, you can assign a score to that answer. To learn more, continue reading.
In this guide, we’re going to create a videoask flow using scoring to decide which of our leads to prioritize. In our example, we're a luxury travel agency and we’re going to allocate different scores to our respondents based on when they're hoping to book, their group size, and their budget per person.
The first step in our flow asks respondents when they’re thinking about booking. The shorter the lead time, the higher the score we’ll allocate to the answer. Our second step asks them about their group size: the more people in the group, the higher the score we’ll allocate them. And our third step asks about the budget per person. You guessed it, the higher the budget, the higher the score we'll allocate.
After our respondents have answered our three qualifying questions, we’re going to give the highest-scoring respondents the option to jump straight on a live call with us. Everyone else will have the option to leave us an asynchronous message that we’ll get back to within 2-3 working days.
So, let's get started.
Log in to your VideoAsk account and select the videoask you want to add scoring to. Click Build to open your videoask builder. If you haven't created your videoask yet, take a look at how to create a multi-step videoask.
Click a step to edit it. We're going to set up scoring for each of our qualifying questions.
Go to the Logic tab in the right-hand sidebar.
Toggle on Advanced Logic.
Click + Add new condition.
Click Select answer and choose an answer from the dropdown menu.
Then click Jump to and choose which step you'd like to jump respondents to if they choose that particular answer.
In our setup, all answer options will lead respondents to step two of our videoask, but scores will vary between 0 and 10 depending on the answer they choose.
Click the + icon and choose the option to Edit score. You can then decide how many points you'd like to add or subtract if your respondent chooses this answer.
Repeat for the other answer options, deciding which step you'd like to jump respondents to and how many points to allocate. When you're finished, hit Done.
Repeat for the other qualifying steps in your flow.
Our flow has three qualifying steps. After that, we have another step asking our respondents their preferred vacation location. This is where we're going to set up logic to either give them the option to jump on a live call with us or leave us a message, depending on their score. Respondents who have scored 20 points or above will have the option to call us, and respondents who scored fewer than 20 points will be able to leave us an asynchronous message.
If you're looking to set up Advanced Logic without scoring, check out this article.
Note: You'll need to add an extra non-qualifying step (like our location step) after the qualifying questions to set up the logic based on score. Logic can't be set up on a qualifying question as the points for that specific step won't be included in the total score.
From the Logic tab, toggle on Advanced Logic.
Click + Add a new condition.
Like before, we'll choose which answer leads to which step. In our flow, all our answers lead to our live call step providing that our respondent has scored 20 points or more. If they've scored fewer than 20 points, they're taken directly to our open answer type step, where they can leave us an asynchronous message.
We'll set this up in the following way:
And make sure to set the Otherwise, always jump to value as our asynchronous message step:
This will ensure that respondents who don't meet our set condition of scoring 20 points or more are taken to our open-ended answer type step where they can leave us an asynchronous message.
Click Done.
And that's it! Now when our respondents score 20 points or more over our three qualifying steps, they'll be invited to jump on a live call with us. If they score under 20 points, they'll have the option of leaving us an asynchronous message that we can respond to in our own time.
Scoring is supported by the following answer types:
- Multiple choice (including multiple selection)
- AI Chatbot
- Live Call
- NPS®
💡Tip: Make sure to test out your videoask in preview mode a few times to make sure everything is behaving the way you want it to!
Viewing respondents' scores
Your respondents' total score is displayed with their contact details in their response:
Note: If a respondent scores 0, no score will be shown with their response. However, a negative score will be shown with their response.
Currently, it's not possible to export respondents' scores to a .csv, .xlsx file.
Check out how to view your responses and reply to your respondents.