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Use Zapier to send videoask responses with custom variables to Google Sheets

This article will show you how to send videoask response data to Google Sheets via Zapier if you have:

We recommend setting up this workflow before sharing the videoask with your audience. Previously received responses (before setting up the integration), won’t be sent across.

Before we get started, here’s what you’ll need to set up this workflow:

  • A VideoAsk account
  • A Google account
  • A Zapier account

In the Google Sheet where you want your videoask responses to be sent, add column headers to the first row. Enter a column header for each piece of information you want pulled through from your videoask.

The column header will indicate which column your videoask data will be sent to. Make sure to include column headers for your custom variables and Product name.

In our example below, we’ve entered column headers for Name, Email, and Product name from our contact form. The next column header is labeled Source, which is the custom variable we’ve used in our videoask. We’ll use Response for the answers we received from respondents.

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Submit a test response to your videoask with the custom variable and fill in the contact form.

In our example below, we’ve used source as our custom variable and entered Facebook as the source we want to track.

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Log in to your Zapier account and click + Create Zap.

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Search for and select VideoAsk from the Zapier app catalog.

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Choose what event in VideoAsk will trigger the zap and click Continue.

We’ll select New Response (From a Respondent). This will trigger when a respondent submits a response to our videoask.

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Choose which VideoAsk account you would like to connect.

If you haven’t connected your VideoAsk account to Zapier before, you’ll be prompted to log in. After you’ve selected the account, click Continue.

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Select which organization and videoask you would like to connect. Then click Continue.

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Click Test trigger to ensure your videoask is properly connected.

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Select the test response you’ve submitted and scroll down to make sure your custom variable and Product name appear in the response.

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Then, click Continue with selected record.


Search for and select Google Sheets from the Zapier app catalog for the Action of this zap.

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Select the Event you want from this zap and click Continue.

We’ll select Create Spreadsheet Row.

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Select your Google Sheets account and click Continue.

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Select which Drive, Spreadsheet, and Worksheet you want to send your videoask data to.

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Next, you’ll see the column headers you’ve entered in your Google Sheet as fields you can map to. Map the information you want to pass to each column header from the dropdowns. Click Continue when you’ve finished mapping.

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Click Test action.

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Head over to your Google Sheet and check if everything is appearing as expected.

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When you’re happy with how everything’s working, head back over to Zapier and click Publish.

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